Sunday, December 9, 2007



The first empire and kingdom in West Africa was the Zingh Empire ruled by the God-King Tyru Afrik about 15,000 B.C. during the Aquatic Civilization.

West African civilization began in the Sahara, particularly the region between the coast of Senegal/Mauritania all the way to Dafur in Sudan. 'Susu Economics,' ( observes this note by James Wellard, 'The Sahara was one of the well-populated ares of the prehistoric world, as it has become the least populated within historical times. It seems to have been inhabited, moreover by a race of man (Black peoplle to be exact - see Wayne Chandler, "African Presence in Early Asia," Edt. by Ivan Van Sertima; 1995, pp. 376-377), whose domain extended from South Africa, for the rock paintings found in Spain, Eastern Spain, the Sahara Desert, and South Africa itself have strinking similarities almost as though they belong to the same school. Thus, they all dipict long-horned cattle in a similar style," (Wellard; 'The Great Sahara).

The prehistoric Sahara was one of the regions where the Black African race developed culturally (and people first developed culture and instruments like the bow and arrow, atlatl, boomerang, penis sheaf, clothing, ect) like the Australian Aborigines, Melanesians, Indo-Negroids, Black Negritoes of East Asia, Oceanic Negroes and others developed. It may become an archeologists paradise for that is where the ancient cities, towns, villages, roads, palaces, castles, rivers, lakes, grave sites of ancient kings and queens or common people, and possible ancient technologies that are part of the legends of many ancient and current African people may have began.

It should be no surprise if civilizations identical to that of ancient Egypt, Mesopotamia, ancient India, or even Black Olmec Mexico, are buried beneath thousands of tons of sland which cover many parts of the Sahara. In fact, the ancient city of Kumbi Seleh of ancient Ghana as well as many ancient cities and towns of ancient Nubia were and still remain covered by desert sands to this day. We still are not certain about the history of human civilization before the Great Flood, yet we know that great civilizations and cultures existed, based on biblical information, particularly from Genesis; Chapter 6, verses 3-7."
('Susu Economics,' pub. by (c) 2000 by PAB.)

'The Sahara civilizations began turning to desert between 3000 to 2000 B.C. due to changes in the weather and climate, (from hot, wet and rainy, to hot, dry and arid). Many of the inhabitants who existed there continued a series of migrations which may have began as early as 20,000 to 30,000 BC. Between 4,000 to 3000 BC, waves of migrants from the drying Sahara settled into parts of West Africa, WHICH ALREADY HAD A THRIVING CIVILIZATION/CULTURE. These migrants brought with them remnants of the prehistoric Black civilizations and cultures which originated in the Sahara. Thus, cultures and civilizations like the Nok culture which produced magnificent works of stone, terracotta, bronze and gold were part of a widespread civilization which included parts of the Southern Sahara and West Africa."


Some of these Sahara Africans also sailed to the Americas, while others settled in Nigeria and later migrated (about 3000 - 5000 BC) to parts Congo and Southern Africa. About 30,000 to 60,000 years ago, many of these Africans also migrated to India, SE Asia, Australia, East Asia and the Americas.


The migration of Africans from the Sahara to Egypt and to West Africa, after the drying up of the prehistoric Zingh Empire, the drying of the large 'inland sea,' deforestation and desertification, was also accompanied by migrations of Africans of the Cushi language group from the Sudan and Ethiopia/Kenya region into Egypt about 10,000 to 5000 BC, after the Delta regions began to dry up.


The history of West Africa from about 400 BC to 1700 BC is known as a history of great culture and civilization. Culture and civilization means that the people had establishd over many thousands of years workable systems of governance, kingship, law, art, literature, religon, family ties, city-states, building and much of what that would be found in places like Rome, Greece, Egypt or Nubia. These ancient West African civilizations included: Prehistoric Ghana ruled by kings whose system was similar to that of ancient Egypt and Cush. Many of the same art, and style was transferred from Ghana/West Africa to places like Mexico to the Olmec Culture ( see (ANCIENT CIVILIZATIONS OF THE AMERICAS) also (SEVEN AND MORE ANCIENT WONDERS OF AFRICA )

Ghana's kingdom existed as early as 3000 BC (most likely the homeland of Emperor Meci, the Mandinga Emperor who led a flotilla of 12 ships to Mexico and America in the year 3113 B.C. - A SACRED DAY IN AFRICAN-AMERICAN HISTORY), and it was a kingdom whose people made trips to Mexico and Central America, while trading with the Sahara.

About 3000 BC to 1000 BC an earlier civilization existed in West Africa. These were Africans from West Africa and the Sahara/Sahel who began using iron ore about 2600 BC.

During the period from 3000 BC to 1000 AD, many of the cultures that became Igbo-Ikwu, Benin, Yoruba, Ashanti, and others were part of the Sahara/West African group of cultures. As one clearly sees with the genetic link between Yorubas and Hausas and Igbos and Zulus -- the separation of many African people into different 'dialects' and ethnic groups IS A RECENT PHENOMENA.

In ancient times, Africans from the Sahara to Angola were all of the Manding-Cush group and spoke similar languages.


The Zingh Empire was a great civilization that existed in what is today the entire region of West Africa and the Sahel, the Sahara all the way to Egypt. The Zingh Empire was the original home of all material culture on planet earth while the ICE AGE was taking place in Europe. Much of the culture found in Egypt between 17,000 to 1000 BC and afterwards, WAS FOUND IN THE ZINGH EMPIRE as early as 30,000 BC, when an early form of Neolithic culture existed in the Sahara. At that time, horticulture, arts, crafts, mummification, building, and a green environment with lakes, inland seas, boats and fishermen, towns and villages existed.

The 'mythical' Emperor of the Zingh Empire was called Tyru Afrik.

2. The pre-Ghana civilization was a group of ancient West African civilizations that were part of the old Zingh Empire. These cultures existed in what is today Nigerian, Ghana, Mali, Mauritania, Chad and the bulk of the region of West Africa. From about 15,000 BC to 3000 BC, these cultures developed. Some of their ancient traders and seafarers, like 'Emperor Meci,' sailed to Mexico (about 3113 B.C. and helped establish the 'Olmec' culture (Mandinga-Shi).

It is believed that the pre-Ghana cultures were based on agriculture as early as 10,000 BC and spoke the early Manding languages THAT WERE ALSO FOUND IN THE AMERICAS (AND STILL EXISTS IN SOME AMERICAN 'INDIAN' LANGUAGES).


About 4000 - 3000 BC the Sahara began to dry up. West Africa's civilizations continued to flourish between 4000 BC to 1000 AD. However, about 2000 BC PEOPLE FROM CUSH/SUDAN and Khemet (South Egypt) migrated to West Africa (the Wolof are one example). Migrants from the Sahara and PEOPLE LIVING IN WEST AFRICA'S COASTAL REGIONS ESTABLISHED A SERIES OF KINGDOMS based on trade in salt and gold, ivory and other commodities, (see 'Susu Economics,' ) These ancient Africans created magnificent works of art and built their houses in stone and mudbrick. They built great pyramidal tombs and huge walls and moats for their cities. The Benin, Nok, Igbo-Ikwu, are all remnants of these great ancient cultures.

The cultures/civilizations of West Africa traded across the Sahara and across the Atlantic. (See also see )


About 7000 BC to 1800 AD (known as the Manding Agricultural Complex), a number of kingdoms and empires rose in West Africa. Ancient Ghana (Nok-Wagadu) was one of the first, but it was the remnant of an earlier and larger empire (Zingh Empire - approx. 20,000 BC to 3000 BC). The (documented) Ghana Dynasty of Emperors began about 2000 B.C. However, this dynasties were as old as those of ancient Cush (which began as early as 10,000 BC) Most of these ancient emperors who established what was a great civilization in THE GHANA (WAGADU) EMPIRE were represented in solid stone. One of the great mystries of history is that some of these ancient Emperors also founded a DYNASTY (MANDINGA-SHI) IN Mexico called the Olmec Dynasty.

This dynasty was founded by Emperor Tehuti Mez (Meci) who arrived in Mexico in the Sacred Year of 3113 B.C. accompanied by 12 ships and hundreds of Africans. Many other trips were made to and from West Africa and many other Africans settled in Meso America, Central America and the Southern US.

Ghana (Wagadu) was one of the greatest and richest civilizations on earth. It is also one of the oldest.

The Forest Kingdoms of Igbo-Ikwu, Nok, Ife, Yoruba, Benin and others DEVELOPED IN THE FOREST AND COASTAL REGIONS OF WEST AFRICA FROM GUINEA TO CAMEROON. They were master seamen, master metalsmiths, workers of gold, agriculturists, scientists and practiced the scientific religion known as Orisha/Vadu and Ancestor Veneration (the most common religion among Africans of Africa and Africans of the Americas, with about ONE BILLION AND FIVE HUNDRED MILLION BLACK PRACTITIONERS IN AFRICA AND THE AMERICAS, AND 500 MILLION BLACK PRACTITIONERS IN SOUTH ASIA, MELANESIA AND AUSTRALIA.

The forest kingdoms also were masters in bronze, stone, clay, ivory, iron and gold working. They built houses in compounds of about four to seven per unit, along with places for animals and larger corals in the savana areas. Cloth was woven and weapons as well as armor were made out of iron, steel and coral.


The oldest boat hewn by humans was found in Nigeria, West Africa years ago. The ancient West Africans were also master seafarers and sailed the Atlantic and Mediterranean. They journied as far as the Americas and traded in the North African Mediterranean region. The ancient West Africans also traded in the great rivers of West Africa and Congo. In ancient times, during the 'wet' period of the Sahara, they traded and sailed the Sahara Inland sea trading with the Sahara (then fertile) and places far and wide.


The cultivation of rice, millet, sorghum, tropical yams and many fruits and vegetables began in West Africa, the Sahara and East Africa, DURING aFRICA'S pre-classical period over 30,000 years ago. In fact, Africans who settled Melanesia and SE Asia as well as Southern China brought rice, millet and sorghum to China between 10,000 to 2000 years ago. A banana trade between Papua New Guinea and Africa exosted about 7,000 years ago ( See Archeology Magazine).

The oldest farming and cultivation of sorghum, rice, millet, yams and other grains and food crops were cultivated in the Southwestern Sahara about 20,000 years ago. The prehistoric Sahara horticultural societies WERE THE PRE-AGRICULTURE SYSTEMS OF FOOD CULTIVATION -- that still exists in Melanesia, and was brought there by Africans about 30,000 years ago. Horticulture and the cultivation of food plants like yams, bananas and other crops found in Africa was also cultivated in Melanesia. About 7000 years ago, a banana trade between East Africa and Melanesia existed says Archeology Magazine.

The early system of horticulture, settlement and tending of crops contributed to the development of the world's most ancient civilization, THE ZINGH EMPIRE. It was in the SouthWestern Sahara that the Zingh Empire began due to the development of horticulture and agriculture there by the Mende-speaking people (who also settled the Americas in prehistoric times), and migrated to parts of India, Melanesia and the South Pacific in a series of migrations about 30,000 BC). (See "Susu Economics," and also 'A History of the African-Olmecs," pub. by


The period between 5000 BC to AD 1000 can be said to be the classical period of West African civilization. Documentation (The Popul Vuh, the Quiche Maya Book) discribes the Black 'Meci' OR Tehuti Mez, (of Mandinga-Kushi origins) entering Meso America exactly in the year 3113 B.C. - (see, "A History of the Afredan-Olmecs," sacred date for Maya Indians in Mexico/Central America and also an important date for Africans and Mandinga-Cush-Congo peoples (i.e., Niger-Congo-Cush linguistic cultural groups ). This period saw the development of great art, carvings, textiles, steel manufacturing, building of boats, trade and commerce, exploration and travel, scientific-religion (such as Orisha or Shango, Vadu, others), medicine and health.

Clothing, hairstyles, ornaments, and artwork from the period of 1000 BC to 1000 AD show high quality and sophistication in most artwork and material artifacts from the West African cultures. These styles ramain to this day and can be seen in the clothing, textiles, artwork, alphabets, jewelry, weaponry, houses and architecture and other cultural contributions of groups like the Ashanti, Yoruba and those Africans in West Africa whose culture have not been 'colonized' and replaced by foreign invaders and occupiers.


The POST CLASSICAL PERIOD OF WEST AFRICAN CIVILIZATION IS THE PERIOD FROM ABOUT 1000 AD TO 1800 AD. This period saw the invasion of some West African kingdoms, the scattering of some of the people and the decline of some of the cultures. Added to this tragedy caused by invaders and others, slave traders and raiders from the Northern and North-Eastern parts of Africa, from Europe and elsewhere pounced on West Africa (and the rest of Africa). These groups along with local militarists brought about the decline in West African civilization (and all African civilization) that became unbearable during the 1700's to 1800's - THE 'DARK AGES' OF AFRICAN CIVILIZATION.


This includes African and Pan-Africans taking measures to protect CREATIONS AND INVENTIONS BY AFRICANS.


(Susu and Susunomics," (c) 1997; pub. by )

Education is the key to advancement. That is a philosophy that Black people have borne in their culture for tens of thousands of years (beginning with the 'Age-grade' system of proto-historic times). During the period when the Khemite and Kushite civilizations existed, Education was brought to a level of great prominence and continued throughout the African history of the great university cities of Jenne in Mali, Gao and Timbuktu, the continuation of the Age-grade systems (with their trades guild systems), where young males and females were taught various skills, the proliferation in the Americas of great Black institutions, and the attitude by Black people throughout the region that EDUCATION IS OF THE UTMOST IMPORTANCE.

As we sail into the 21st Century, what we as Black people in America and worldwide must strive for is to be the world's most and best educated people in all disciplines, and to use the education to match or to overtake all the major industrialized nations of the world in culture, science, industry and technology. We must aim to be above Western Europe, Japan, Canada, Taiwan, Singapore, China and every one of the industrial powers on earth. That must be our aim

The educational history of Black people worldwide is much older than all of the world's civilizations. We have at least three thousand years of advanced education (temple universities such as Ipet Isut (Karnak) dating to about 2000 to 4000 BC and earlier), before China, Mesopotamia, Greece, India, Korea, Japan, India or any nation that had an advanced culture in ancient times. The system of advanced African education organized under the Khemite Mystry Schools was in effect before the African (Khemite) calendar was established in the year 4241 B.C. ON THE SOLAR EQUANOX (The date the 'African New Year' celebrations are held worldwide -- WHILE HELD ON 'MARDIGRAS/CARNIVAL' in others.

(Copyright; 'Susu and Susunomics,' 1997)

The economic strength of the Black nations of the world must be increased. That can be accomplished by making susu international, in the same way that Western economic systems have become internationalk over the past 100 years. The first areas where an attempt must be made to create an international Black economic system that will benefit Blacks worldwide and improve the lives of Black people has to be the geographical areas of North America, the Caribbean, Afro-Latin America, Africa, Melanesia, South India and other lands where Blacks reside

At present the Black nations of the world have the potential of becoming the most powerful and effective economic block on earth, yet the pace at which the attempts are being made to achieve this goal s too slow. While many Black Pan-African nations are considering or taking slow steps towards unifying (like THE MELANESIAN UNION, 'ONE CARIBBEAN UNION,' EAST AFRICAN UNION, UNITED STATES AND KINGDOMS OF AFRICA and others, the Europeans who inhabit Europe have already accomplished this unity, while they continue to look to Africa, Latin America, Asia and the South Pacific as sources for their products and their manufactured goods.

One thing must never be forgotten when Black people compare their nations with that or Europe. In spite of the facination of some Blacks with what the Europeans have achieved in science, technology and manufacturing, it is only over the past two hundred years that the era of scientific development, technology and industrialization has been taking place. Blacks have contributed greately to this process through inventions and new ways of doing things in the agricultural, medicinal and metalsworking areas brought from Africa.

As late sa the sixteenth century, many Black nations were equal to many European and Asian nations in science, industry and technology. As for some African nations such as Mali, Ghana, Songhai and Ethiopia, these were in many instances more culturally, scientifically and industrially developed than most of Europe because like the rest of the Muslim nations and empires, scientific, economic and technological development with its roots in Black Egypt and Kush was carried through and was being practiced while Euripe was still in the Dark Ages.

The Industrial Revolution struck Europe during the time when much of Africa wsa occupied and colonized by Europeans. The Arabs, European and the American slave trade has devastated the continent and Africa took a giant step backward that hampered its ability to develop economically, technologically and scientifically. Most of Africa's great minds such as its inventors, metalurgists, builders, doctors/herbalists and those scholed in a tradition of thousands of years of manufacturing (like Meroe, Sudan; Nok-Wagadu Ghana) were hauled to the Americas as slaves.

The traffic in skilled Africans to the Americas contributed to the industrial and scientific and cultural as well as economic development of the United States and Americas in general, since it was some of these same Africans who invented and created sone of the machinery and tools, as well as the facinating inventions that propelle4d Europe and the United States and later Japan, into the Industrial Age.


A. Science and Technology Must be Taught at the Early Age. The teaching of science and technology must be taught and begun as soon as students enter school beginning from the simplest concepts and growing as the ability to do mathematics and properly communicate improves.

B. Teachers who are able to teach science and technological subjects should be trained in the nation they are or recruited in the nations neighbors or where they can be found. This must be a priority since good teachers are essential to the passing on of valuable knowledge. Three should be no objection to recruiting teachers (or former technological workers from closed industries in the US, Japan or elsewhere in Africa who want to teach), or from any nations where technological and scientific progress has been made.

A worldwide organization of Pan-African teachers, industrialists and people learned in science and technology must be formed in order to find those who are willing to go around the Black World and teach other Blacks these subjects. Black teachers in nations like the United States where Blacks have a long history of contributing to the scientific and technological development of the United States and other nations, should create organizations to send teachers throughout the Black World to teach these valuable subjects.

C. Black nations worldwide must invest in science and technology in thier respective nations no matter how simple or complicated experiments to learn nd to discover new concepts may be. For example:

1. Various local and regional scientific concepts based on local tradition such as using plants for medicine and metaphysical sciences tht have dismissed by others as 'pagan' or 'voodoo' or 'witchcraft' should be scientifically examined. Ancient methods of making rain, tracking stars (making the study of Dogon Cosmogony part of Pan-African universities scientific studies), planting crops, making metal alloys and all the ancient and scientific knowledge that are the roots of 'Western' science should be re-examined and developed so that they can be improved and made useful in today's environments ( See 'American Scientists Study Voodoo Medicine," )

2. There should be special gifts, prizes and contests held to reward and encourage those gifted in the sciences. This helps to create an interest in science and technology.,

3. Missionaries to Africa or anywhere in the Black World should be scientific, economic and technological, sharing ideas and technology, and should not be 'religious' missionaries and propogators of religious beliefs, since Africa already has its own traditonal religions, , most of which are essential to the growth of scientific thought among the people, who regard science and religion to be one. This religious concept common in Asia is responsible for the great improvements that Asians have made in the scientific fields. (The idea of 'logic' and 'separation of church and state' has helped the 'West' to develop its science without hindrance. The long tradition of invention of the Chinese is based on the belief that science and religion are inseparable. African religions also believe that science and religion are inseparable and Africans have a tradition of science and invention that goes back over 100,000 years (beginning in the Sahara/East and West Africa - see "stone and bone tools, found along Semliki River, Zaire: "Susu Economics," )

"Missionaries" and propogators for the technological and scientific as well as industrial development of Africa should be the norm, and not religious missionaries who aim merely to turn Africans as followers of their particular religion and thus expand the foreigners' influence, culture, language and ideas under the guise of 'religion.' If technological missionaries could have gone to Japan and the Far East and helped to develop these areas, yet have little influence in converting the majority of Japanese or Chinese to their (the Europeans/foreign people) religion, then the same can be done in Africa. Africans already have a very ancient and practical system of religion that is based on MIND POWER and the ability to recognize and use elemental forces, as well as recognize the ancestors, while recognizing the 'One God,' idea. Africans do not need other people teaching them religion. What is needed in Africa and the Black world is the transfer of technological knowledge that originated in Africa and in part, among Africans-of-the-Americas.

D. Black nations worldwide must create organizations, or one massive global organization of scientists, technologists, information scientists, industrialists, manaufacturers, researchers and teachers whose goal must be to bring the Black world at an equal footing with the rest of humanityin the fields of science and technology. There is no reason why Black scientists from the United States, Africa and the Caribbean and Europe or Melanesian Union cannot create organizations that will help develop space technology, or use space for the betterment of life on earth.

Africa because of its geographic position and its constant droughts, famines and environmental destruction as well s desertification, needs to carve out its niche in outer space, study weather and geographical patterns and find out before hand what the future weather patterns will be, and do what is necessary to prevent disaster.

There are sufficent numbers of Black/African/African-American scientists and experts in the field of space exploration and space techology who can pool their collective knowledge together and work towards the improvement of life for Black/Pan-Africoid people on earth by creating organizations that would contribute to the exploration of space and perform other tasks such as sending satellites into space, studying weather patterns and performing in many other useful and critical areas.

The Black world must be involved in the scientific and technological race in all areas, whether it is building the best spacecraft ever built, or building the most effective and fastest computers and computer chips. Every aspect of science, technology, manufacturing and industrial development must be improved or made to rise to levels equal to the most advanced nations, or passing their level. What a people has been able to achieve in the past, can be achieved again.

(Copyright. "Susu and Susunomics," pub. by (, Inc., 5220 16th, Ste. 200
Lincoln, NE 68512 USA )


The African-American population is about 45,000,000 to 50,000,000 people (people of African ancestry in the United States (including about 30 percent of White Americans) is about 116,000,000 (50 million African-Americans and about 66 million Euro-Americans have African ancestry dating back as recently (for the whites) as the past 100 years). About 14 percent of African-Americans have some European or American Indian ancestry. The African population is about 1,000,000,000 in Africa and Europe and about 300,000,000 in the Americas. There are about 600,000,000 Indo-Negroids and Melanesian/Oceanic Negroids in Asia and the Indian Ocean region. In all, there are about 2,000,000,000 - two billion Black/African descent people (excluding the 66 million American whites with African ancestors).

Hence, in the area of numbers and economic potential, the population of Blacks globally is quite large and the needs of that community is quite large as well. In building and creating 'Susu Nations' where the system of susu is applied on a global scale, the entire Black population on earth has to benefit, just as the entire European, Euro-American, Australian, Latin American and other Euro-dominated regions benefit from global capitalism.

The African-American population today (including all those who speak Spanish, or are of Afro-Caribbean and other African diaspora descent who are part of the African-American Black racial group) is about 50,000,000 people spread out in fifty states, Hawaii, the Virgin Islands. The Southern part of the US, the North-East coast, and California has the largest concentrations of Black People. Parts of the Midwest are also heavily populated by Blacks. These populations today seem to be under threat, but the solution is for Blacks to have more Black babies and to avoid all schemes of population control, abortion and family breakups.

The African-American (or rather African-Caribbean) population of the Caribbean area is also about 45,000,000 to 50,000,000 people spread over a vast area from the Northern coast of South America in the Guianas, to Belize and coastal Nicaragua in the west, to Cuba in the Northwest, to the West Indian archepelago in the Eastern Caribbean to the Bahamas.

All people of African descent, regardless of colonial language forced on them by the slavemasters are included. These African-descent people are African Black first, and no matter where we go or live in this world, that is what other people will see.

There are about 120,000,000 African descent/Black people in Brazil and about 80,000,000 in the whole of Latin America (including Brazil and Central America)
There are about 50 million African-Americans/Afro-Canadians and about 50 million Afro-Caribbeans. Hence, the total Black/African descent population of the Americas is about 300,000,000 (three hundred million) people. The Black African-Descent population also includes those Black African-Descent people in places like Brazil who have rejected their culture and their Black African identity to be fooled by terms of skin complexion that takes their African identity and dignity away. Fortunately, today, anyone who looks Black/African-Descent in Brazil is Black/African-Descent. This is a sensible policy because much of the Portugese who came to Brazil were already partly Black African from the ancient Black Moors who ruled that nation for about 800 years, or from the ancient Black Iberians who lived in the Iberian Peninsula.

Afro-Brazilians recognize that Black being the original humans and having the strong noticeable features, while having a variety of skin tones that are due to natural environment (like the Kong-San of South Africa and others with lighter skin ), that if one looks African/Black, one is African/Black. Moreover, since many Black Brazilians who are lightskinned may have African Black mothers, that makes them African/Black. Afro-Brazilians today is doing all it can to keep its distinct Black population intact and to prevent themselves from being submerged and blended out of existence, as happened to the Blacks of Argentina.

This paragraph is based on the creation of Black nations and communities in any region but it is essential that it is used in nations like Brazil and other parts of Latin America with large Black populations where the myth of integration has done nothing but keep Blacks poor, economically deprived and have created a mixed population that has lost their African culture, Soul and appearance. The Black race itself seem disappear slowly but surely, due to the uncontrolled mixing with others who do all in their power to keep themselves and their heritage intact, steal Black culture and heritage and declare it as their own or put some 'Latin' label on it.


Let's deal with building a susu nation in the United States with the 50,000,000 Black African-Americans. The major task is to bring together all 50,000,000 African-Americans into a national and later international susu system by beginning on the neighborhood level with about one hundred people. One hundred is not the minimum number that is required to begin a susu. One can be started with as little as two people, but the more people there are in a susu, the more money will be placed in the 'pot.'

One hundred people in a neighborhood of 400 people is good enough to represent that particular area. Take a large city like New York with at least two million Black African-Americans (and other Blacks) and many neighborhoods. Each neighborhood should be divided into 'susu neighborhoods.' Each should start with a street or block. One hundred people from a street gets together in a susu led by a 'susu sergeant' treasurer who must be appointed as an assistant in case the first one cannot perform.

The duty of the Susu Sergent will be to collect the funds and put it all into a bank and to keep all members aware of every activity that takes place during hte banking transaction. Otherwise a susu sergeant my work at a bank and may collect each individual's deposits for the susu pool, following susu and regular banking rules.

The Susu Sergeant must have an accountant as well as a bookkeeper to keep accurate records and account for all funds and how these funds were used or will be used. The Susu Sergeant of a group of one hundred people can coordinate the finances for the building of projects, investments and so on, or for the monthly allotment of those who put money into the pool.

The treasurer, accountants and bookkeepers, all consist of the financial body. A group of about five people out of the hundred in the susu must be elected for these positions based on thier experience and skill and they must look over the activities of the bookkeeper, accountant and treasurer.

A group of ten streets at one hundred people on each street would consist of a 'block.' They would be led by ten sergeants and one 'lieutenant' treasurer over the ten treasurers. The duty of the lieutenant treasurer is to be responsible for the gathering of funds for all ten susu blocks in the money is needed for a large neighborhood project like a community center, school, businesses or factories. The neighborhood where the susu would be effective would be the ten interconnected streets or susu group will have access to a bank, the individual susu member would deposit his own monthly amount in an account where the others ill also put their money.

The money would not have to pass through the hands of anyone else and cannot be withdrawn or used unles the other members approve, or unless the time to us e that money by an individual member has arrived. If that money i to be used for an ambitious project like building a factory and the money is a collective investment, all members must sign before the money can be withdrawn to begin the project. If a member cannot sign, somneone must do so on his or her behalf, including other members of the susu group or family.

A Lieutenant Treasurer, Lieutenant Account and Lieutenant Bookkeeper, would be responsible for overseeing the financial accounts and books of the one thousand people in the susu block of ten susu strets of one hundred people each (1000 people total). This level would be responsible for building larger projects such as stores, building community centers, churches, school parks and so on, as well as business and industrial enterprises.

A group of ten blocks at 10,000 people would be led by a 'Captain Treasurer.' He or she would be responsible for the finances of all ten thousand people in the susu groups, the 100 Susu Sergeants, ten lieutenants, captain accountant and captain bookkeeper. The treasurer, bookkeeper and accountant would coordinate the finances of all ten thousand people in the ten susu neighborhoods. These neighborhoods would be connected block by block and street by street.

The function of the Susu Captain is to coordinate the finances of these ten thousand people for large projects, investments and so on. The treasurer, accountants and bookkeepers all consist of the financial body. A group of about five people out of hte hundred will be elected to look over the activities of the treasurer, accountant and bookkeeper. Large projects such as factories for a neighborhood, stores, businesses, media/movie production companies, S&L companies, susu banks, gas stations, hotels and so on. The duty of the Captain Treasurer would be to build susu banks (similar to regular banks, but using the 'susu' system of pooling and investing, ect) to hold the funds, employ a Captain Treasurer, Captain Accountant, Captain Bookkeeper, and other professionals to coordinate the building of projects, the purchase of land or businesses, the investment of capital or the seeing to the monthly allotment of those whose turn it is to borrow or use what is available in the pot.
(See more on this process, "Susu and Susunomics," (c) 1997, 2001 by PAB; pp. 60 - 63l pub. by ) also


Building a strong business, commerce and technology system

The creation and building of a massive international, Pan-African industrial, technological and manufacturing complex is essential to the development and advancement of the Black world. This is a task that no other people will do but Black people/Pan-Africans. Others will find such an ambitious goal threatening to their own economic power, for after the Black/Pan-African world has accomplished its goal of rising back to the top, it will not be business as usual. The technology, manufacturing and industrial power that those of the rich nations have kept to themselves and spread among their chosen friends will not remain only in their hands. Their political and economic domination will be more of sharing with the rising of Pan-Africans worldwide. Africans will produce goods for themselves and Japanese, European and other regions will find that there will be more competition on the global market. Yet, the rise of THE UNITED STATES AND KINGDOMS OF AFRICA, 'CARIBBEAN COMMUNITY/COMMON MARKET,' UNION OF EAST AFRICAN STATES, MELANESIAN UNION, ORGANIZATION OF AFRICANS IN THE AMERICAS, SOUTH AFRICAN DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE, CONGO-ANGOLA REGION - will help to create better economics.

In order to build this international complex of industry, technology and manufacturing, steps must be taken at the local level to accomplish the goals. The fifty million African-Americans in the United States is a very good starting point to begin the policy of GLOBAL PAN-AFRICAN ECONOMIC INTEGRATION AND DEVELOPMENT. It is in the Black communities of the US and Americas in general that mismanagement of financial capital as well as human capital is the most damaging.

African-Americans gross about $800,000,000,000 (eight hundred billion US dollars), making African-Americans the 9th wealthiest nation on earth. Yet, more than 90 percent of that money leaves the Black community and makes other people wealthy and well-off, while the rapid deterioration of the Black community continues. The percentage of Black American businesses to that of other nationalities and races in the US is quite low compared to the total number of Black African-American/African-Descent people in the US, when compared to other 'minority' groups. Yet, these other ethnic groups control most of the non-White businesses in the United States, including in the Black African-American communities. This is unnatural and many people claim it is purposeful and by design (see )

In spite of the various contributions Blacks made to to the industrialization of the United States and other nations, there are still not enough Black African-American manufacturers of heavy industrial products in the United States, even when the opportunity to create such is at hand. For example, there is no reason why any part of Black America should be without automobile plants controlled by Bllacks, shipbuilders, tool and machinery manufacturers, aircraft manufacturers, space and information technology manufacturers or any other type of manufacturing. This also includes the designing and manufacturing from space vehicles and cars to trains and boats. African-Americans and Africans should be creating all these industrial products because Africa has the resources, skills and personnel to do so. After all, many millions of Blacks are presently employed in these industries in the US and many have been laid off since the economic bust of the 1990's and the slow-down of manufacturing.( These unemployed African Americans or Blacks who were once employed in the automobile industry cannot organize to help develop such industries all over Africa where steel and other metals are plentiful.
It is foolhardy for African-Americans to continue not having a strong, separate and independent industrial base connected to that of Africa and other Pan-African regions who can supply both raw materials and can gain from African-American technological skills and education from African-America's highly skilled colleges and university system. No other people on earth are as exposed to or contribute so much to the industrial and technological development of their nation and the world and have not benefitted from such contributions for the development of thier ancestral motherland, as have Black people.

The time has come to change this trend mentioned above, and to work towards the industrializatioin and technological prodictivity of Black America, the Caribbean, Afro-Brazil, Afro-South America, Africa and the Black regions of the South Pacific/Melanesia (exploited for their minerals and resources, but in the case of Black/Melanesian nations like Papua New Guinea, Solomon Islands, not helped to develop as places like Singapore, South Korea, and others who have gained from American and European investments - including the direct inventions and creations of Black African-Americans - see )

The Black world and the new international Pan-African manufacturing, technological and industrial complex whose aim is the development of scientific, industrial, manufacturing and technological complexes in the Black world, begins in the United States African-American Nation, goes down through the Caribbean, passes through Trinidad and Tobago, through the Guianas, passes through North-Eastern Brazil and across the Atlantic through Africa, Southern India, to Papua New Guinea, Melanesia through the South Pacific and Australia (autonomous Black Aboriginal ruled 'Northern Territories." This region is already known as the 'ACP' group (African, Caribbean and Pacific) now expanded to be the African, African-Americas, Pacific-Melanesian group.

Black African-America has the opportunity to lead a scientific, industrial, manufacturing and technological renaissance in the Black World because of thier exposure to the needed technology, capital and education required to undergo such a task. Of course, much of the Black world is so endowned, but it is in Black America that the capital needed for such research and development is most at hand and in the hands of Black people. Three are some highly developed colleges, universities and technical institutions in the US, controlled by Blacks than can lead the research and training needed for the task.

To begin, we must regard Black African-America as a separate nation within a nation, that has a plan for its own development before it. That plan is going to be accomplished in ten to twenty years and upon its completion, the Black Pan-African world will be among the most powerful regions on earth in every way possible. But first, Blacks in the US and the rest of the Black world must take the following steps towrds rebuilding the Black world and Black America after at least five hundred years of deterioriation, destruction, depression, enslavement, racism and colonialism.


The industrial, agricultural and tourist based economy of a nation brings in most of its revenue in many cases. Lawyers, doctors and those involved in the non-industrial professions, except for those who teach are secondary to the direct industrial development of a nation or people, although as professsoinals, they are very important to any nation. When the task of nation-building, particularly the buiilding of an economic and industrial base is at hand, a nation or community benefits more it its people are trained in the technological, information and manufacturing fields. Those who engage in such areas must be pushed ahead in order for the nation to solidify its industrial base and create employment capital and development for its people.

The need for doctors, lawyers, teachers, policemen and other non-industrial professionals is very important to the running of any nation. The acquiring of degrees in various types of non-technological and non-industrial areas is not a bad ambition, yet no nation can feed itself, build industry or create a good life for its people, if that nation has nothing to sell, or manufactures nothing or does not contribute to the world's economy. No people or nation should depend only on servicing the needs of others as the primary way to earn a living.

At present in Black America, (and some nations in the Pan-African Diaspora/Africa), some of our people reject the technological and manufacturing trades and professions and want to get into being lawyers, doctors and high 'white collar' professionals, where salaries are guaranteed and risks are minimal particularly when working for some state or national agency. The same goes for the highly visible professions such as sportsmen and sportswomen, musicians and actors. Some people may not want to begin a small (or large 'susu-group of investors' ) manufacturing company to make products or to get into fields that create jobs, create products and bring in money into the communities. It seems that as soon as many of us leave college, all we care about is getting wealthy quickly.

Well, this type of attitude has contributed to the economic and social problems that some in Black America and the Black/African Diaspora and continent faces today must be changed. (This attitude of one-sided thinking on economic development can be added to the deliberate tricks of parasite nations and 'lenders' who purposely set out to impoverish and distroy the African/Black economies). Not everyone will be doctors or lawyers. Some must be industrialists, scientists, manufacturers, mechanics, engineers, auto manufacturers, technical people, electronics and information specialists, bakers and makers of everyday things. Trades and trade degrees and certificates must be held as important to the upliftment and the economic improvement of Black/Pan-African people worldwide. Such must be the case in the UNITED STATES, KINGDOMS AND DIASPORA OF AFRICA. Pride must be bt in being involved in the manufacturing and technological fields, for it is these areas that contribute to the financial strength of most nations.

Agriculture is another area of concern in the region known as 'The United States, Kingdoms and Diaspora of Africa ( all the ECOWAS nations, and expanding to all the Central African to South African nations (the Niger-Congo language region) and the African-Americas) due to the bad attitude of some towards working the soil, an attitude that has to be washed away. We spent more than four hundred years (in the Americas) making the Europeans wealthy by working the soil for them by force and for free, loosing millions of African people in this barbaric process called slavery. Why not make our own people wealthy and powerful by working the soil (and developing a technological, manufacturing, industrial and scientific based-industries) and investing in agricultural research, technologhy and science, or by manufacturing agricultural products?
The buying of land, the plantnig of crops and the harvest and export of these crops would be a stable and solid source of income and employment for Black America and the Pan-African world.

The industrial and economic development of Black America and the 'United States, Kingdoms and Diaspora of Africa," to a level much higher than its present must be achieved, through proper planning and the proper management of both financial and human capital. Talking about making more than 800 billion dollars per year (the African-American GNP) AND POURING THAT MONEY IN THE HANDS OF OTHER PEOPLE IS A WASTE OF TIME, and exposes what can be considered to be poor planning on our part (Pan-Africans). In order to take our proper place in the world as African-Americans, Africans-of-the-Americas, Africans and Pan-Africoids (in South Asia, Melanesia, SE Asia, Australia), we must do the following things:

1. Students and workers must be properly trained through the trade schools, colleges and universities, apprentice/trade guilds and other institutions. They must be made prepared for the task of building the commercial, industrial and manufacturing complex vital to the development of the Black Nation. Technical skills must be regarded with the same importance as other skills and those who show promise must be encouraged to begin businesses to manufacture products, or enter the job market without the difficulty or hardships associated iwth gaining employment.

Black America and the 'United States, Kingdoms and Diaspora of Africa," should be in a position to create jobs for those of its peoople who are technically skilled and want to apply such skills for the development of the Black communities and the Black World. Factories and businesses should form partnerships with schools for hte training of apprentices, so that those involved in the trades will get on-the-job training that is needed to gain work experience. Certificates and diplomas or degrees from trade schools must be regarded as highly (with the same respect) as those from universities and colleges. The value of having people trained in the industrial and technological or trade fields is important to the development of any nation and contributes directly to the revenue and capital of that nation if products manufactured are sold and bring in capital.

2. Money and capital should be pooled from the community to the national level for the construction and creation of factories, businesses and jobs. The susu system is a creative way for communities to pool their resources so that they can begin industrial development.

3. Foreign investment, particularly from Black nations who want to do businesses with Black America (and the Unites States, Kingdoms and Diaspora of Africa),
or other Black nations like the Caribbean Community, Afro-Brazil Nation, Africa or the South Pacific must be encouraged. This helps spread the industrial power of Black people over a wide region and compete on the international market.
There must be a system in place where the home community or nation has the opportunity to own a portioni of the investor's company and to buy out the company if they want to sell.

4. Everything possible must be done to acquire scientific, technological and indusrial knowledge and techniques from those who have it. The transfer of technology (or sharing of it) that the West so willingly handed to Japan, Korea and other nations of the Far East and Europe has never been handed to Black nations, even though some of this knowledge and technology handed to others are inventions and discoveries of Black Americans. It must be the duty of Black communities and natons to do all that is necessary to gain what has been stolen. Various policies to meet such goals must be put into effect.

5. Local businesses, enterprises and manufacturing must be encouraged by Black (Pan-African) organizatons and governments. Nothing should be too unimportant to manufacture, as long as the market has been researched and the demand for the product has been established. Products that has been previously manufactured for local consumption must be spread on the world market.

6. Engage in industries that do well on the world/global market, such as electronics, information technologies, computers, clothing, shoes, automobiles, and food processing. Nothing should be too complicated to manufacture, and if there are not enough skilled personnel to design and manufacture certain products in the immediate community, thos who were engaged in suchj work and were laid off, should be recruited. For example, if the community of Watts, California's Black community, wants to build an aircraft design and assembly plant (which is a reality in the city of Inglewood, California, which is west of Watts ) owned by the Black community of Watts, but there are not enough Black people to take on the jobs, they should organize to bring in Black professionals from the other neighborhoods who may have had similar jobs and were laid off. In other words, one company's 'laid off' Black worker is the gain of the Black community and Pan-African nations, who are on the verge of a new era of economic development and industrial development.
(Watt's has now been occupied by other people and is not predominantly Black -- one of the mistakes of Black men and women LISTENING TO THE GENOCIDISTS WHO PROMOTE ABORTION IN THE BLACK COMMUNITY AND ENCOURAGE OTHERS GROUPS TO HAVE LOTS OF BABIES - see 'A History of Racism and Terrorism, Rebellion and Overcoming," also see "Susu and Susunomics," and 'Susu Economics,' )

So, if a major aircraft company, or automobile company, or computer manufacturing company laid off a number of Black workers ( to hire cheap labor as is the case already, or to send the jobs to foreign nations who turn their backs on the senders), then these Blacks who have been laid off should do all that is possible to create their own company and continue practicing their technological and manufacturing skills. At present, there is are enough 'laid off' Black employees who worked for aircraft companies who can pool the collective capital of the Black community in Los Angeles, pool the technological knowledge of these former workers and create aircraft and other companies owned and ran by Blacks in the area.

7. Neighborhoods should be organized into 'industrial zones,' closely connected to the 'susu economic system.' Home manufacturing independently or connected to larger industries (as is done in Japan) must be encouraged and can take the place of large buildings or complexes that may not be on hand. Products can be manufactured by one group of workers and completed by others. Products can also be made in onre area and packaged to be shipped to other areas. Groups and organizations of home-manufacturers must be formed and labor and industrial rules and regulations must be recognized and followed.

THE SEVEN STEPS ABOVE CAN HELP IN THE CREATION NOT ONLY OF AN INDUSTRIAL BASE IN AFRICAN-AMERICA, BUT IN THE 'UNITES STATES, KINGDOMS AND DIASPORA' (All ECOWAS states, Niger-Congo speaking region of Africa, all Africans of the Americas and Africans in Europe). These are small steps that can be applied on the local level in each community and expanded on the international level.

See more of this essay, "Susu and Susunomics," (c) 1997, 2001: by PAB.

More references,


The talent as well as the knowledge required to begin small arts and crafts industries, information technologies (as the talking drums, talking harp, log drums used to send messages) and light manufacturing of goods is something that is deeply rooted in African culture. There are many examples of ancient manufacturing from paleolithic times to the slavery period in Africa and how highly developed and advanced such manufacturing had become after tens of thousands of years of evolution. The very first products manufactured and sold were what can be considered arts and crafts such as goldwork, baskets, hats, boats, weapons and thousands of other crafts.

These products do not require heavy machinery, sophisticated high tech tools and instruments or any of the expensive components that computers, space technology and vehicles, aircraft and nay highly industrial products require. Moreover, arts and crafts industries can contribute only to a steady source of capital but it can open the way for more highly technical and higly sophisticated manufacturing such as electronics and information technology devices to take place.

Nations like China, Japan, Taiwan, France, the Caribbean States, Nigeria and the United States have for many years developed their arts and crafts industries. We all know about Chinese pocerlain, clothing, ivory carving and a large number of handicrafts they have been making since ancient times. We know of African carvings, leather work, gold and brass works, paintins, basket-work, kente cloth weaving and lots of other arts and crafts. The basketwork of the Sea Islands of Georgia, Black music and other African-American arts and craftwork and various other types of things made are well known. Caribbean carvings, steel pans invented in Trinidad and Tobago and made popular throughout the Caribbean, reggae and other Caribbean music, Haitian paintings, shell work, basketwork, carvings, jewelry, barique and other type of fabric, clothing and hundreds of other arts and crafts contribute to the incomes of these nations.

A recent program on televison that showed Haitians building boats in preparation to sail Northward is a very good example of the arts and crafts talent of the people there. These same boats, had they been built to sell on the world market could have sold quite well, depending on their quality. An industry such as boatbuilding industry can work miracles for the economy of Haiti and many natons in the Caribbean and that industry should be continued, improved and expanded. (After all, South Korea, a small nation has a boatbuilding industry where huge boats are built).

Africans from Senegal to Angola (THE UNITED STATES AND KINGDOMS OF AFRICA - THE NIGER-CONGO ATLANTIC REGION (a proposed region with no borders and part of the Niger-Congo linguistic/cultural Zone and about 500,000,000 people), and African-Americans as well as Afro-Caribbeans and Afro-Latin Americans are position in coastal regions of the Americas and Africa. They should organize to create ship-building industries. African-Americans living in states like Louisiana, Texas, Florida, Mississippi, or any of the states on the seaboard can begin ship-building industries and can find markets for their products on the global market. Industries can be developed where working for others is not necessary. Small companies of bronze casters, carvers, jewelers, porcelain art and utensil makers, furniture makers, metal workers, music and record makers, and all the industries that promduce many of hte necessities of life must be built in the Black nations of the world and the United States, Kingdoms and Diaspora of Africa. Some of these industries can be began by those who had the proper training in trade or technical schools and colleges, and who wold like to begin businesses. Others can form 'susus' to pool the finances necessary to begin such small manufacturing projects.

The arts and crafts tradition among African-Americans in the United States and other parts of the Amricas is a continuation of the same tradition that begun in African tens of thousands of years ago (dated to about 100,000 B.C. - See article abot Sophisticated Stone and Bone tools found at Semlike River Valley (Congo) dating to about 100,000 years old, "Susu Economics," ).
The industries such as carving, furniture-making, metal-working, jewelry-design and manufacturing and many of the crafts practiced in the US during slavery by African-Americans for the slave masters or plantations begun the earliest states of the industrial revolution in the Americas. After slavery as abolished, these same African who had been slaves along with thheir sons and daughters, contributed to many inventions which helped push the United States into the industrialized nations.

The African slaves and ex-slaves of the Americas made all types of ars and carafts before the overall industrialization of the U.S. in the nineteenth century and years before the Industrialization Revolution actually began. They made baskets, quilts, ironware and iron products, tools, invented machinery, carved wood, dyed cloth and carried on many of the industrial skills they had learned while they wer in Africa. Yet, after slavery, when these Africans left the plantation to work in the industrial North, some of these arts and crafts were used only for the benefit of the factory owner. However, some African-Americans built companies or continued on in the manufacturing tradition.

The time has come to begin rebuilding hte base of Black industrial entrepreneurship in the US and the Black Pan-African world, particularly the regional economic, cultural and African supernation, The United States, Kingdoms and Diaspora of Africa - based in all the ECOWAS nations and stretching down to Angola and in time to Kenya in East Africa. First, trade guilds and organizations can be started to organize practitioners of the various trades so that they can begin from a position of strength. Those trained in the arts and carfts should consider going into business as soon as they graduate from trade schools and colleges. Money needed to finance the building of factories and the purchase of material can begin, even with people who do not earn income through employment.

Susu blocks of one hundred people can be organized and money can be pooled together for the buying of tools, equipment, raw materials and the property needed to start small factories and businesses. The making of handicrafts and light industrial products such as pottery, carvings, china work, basket work, shoes, weaving and colthes manufacturing, tool making and other products can be started.

A susu block of one hundred people including poor women on welfare or public assistance who want to get off this slave-like system and want to contribute to the employment of their men and families can each pool $100.00 per month in a pool for the building of a factory that produces products that can be sold on the market. We all know that many fathers are unemployed and so sometimes their wives or women are encouraged to go on welfare and the man is thrown out of their families ( a racist scheme that distroys Black families). This trend can be brought to a halt if the Black woman in this situation pool their money together and the Black men do the same with their money as well, creating a large pool that can be sustained by those who work among them. At least one hundred dollars can be placed in the pool each month by each pool member. This money will allow both men and women to begin businesses so they can make and sell products, expand and bring employment back into the Black community and strengthen the Black family.

If one hundred families ant to begin a plant that manufacturers 'Olmec Dynasty heads," (1000 BC to 500 AD - Mexico/Central America/North America)
or other types of bronze castings and artwork out of bronze, each family on welfare can put in one hundred dollars in a pool per month and collect $10,000.00 dollars per month. In five months, there will be $50,000 dollars. In one year $120,000.00 dollars. That amount would be enought to buy a small warehouse, some equipment, tools and raw materialks to start out. A profit would be made after a market had been established and the finished products sold. Making things out of bronze may not bring in income as fast as having a bakery, baseball cap factory, or any goods that are in demand on the market but as an example it is proper.

One of the most important goals of the arts and crafts guilds and manufacturing establishment in any nation and in the Black communities of the U.S., the United States and Kingdoms of Africa, Brazil, Haiti and other nations with large Black populations would be to find and keep markets open worldwide for the buyingt and selling of products. One of our problems as Black people and business people here in the United States is to continue to think of the world market, particularly the Black World market, as unimportant to the economical development of Black America, the Black world and of Black business throughout the world. Such attitude is rather ironic when American, Japanese, European and other nations and their industrial and commercial establishments consider the worldwide Black market to be quite important. Furthermore, Black nations around the world are the backbone of many products from these industrialized nations because many Black nations and population groups do not manufacture anything (but that is changing rapidly and the objective of The United States, Kingdoms and Diaspora of Africa, USKDA is to establish a powerful supernation that is a top economic and manufacturing world power).

See "Susu and Susunomics" (c) 1997, 2001 pub. at Inc., 5330 S 16th, Ste. 200, Lincoln, NE 68512

If Pan-African craft-makers and manufacturers had to trade in products used only by Negroid or Australoid Blacks (in South India, Australia, South Asia), their products (like combs for their type of hair, sunglasses for their type of face, ect) would do well on the international market. There are about 2,000,000,000 (two billion Negroid, Australoid and Melan-Negroid people on planet earth who all belong to the greater Black Africoid race. They are concentrated all over the Southern Hemisphere and in many parts of the Northern Hemisphere. The combined economic power of this group of people is quite powerful indeed and the time has come for the Black world to take advantage of its own power.
(One third of the world's population are pure African Negroes/Blacks or related Negroid/Black people in Asia, the Indian Ocean, Australia/Melanesia -- who belong mainly to the Manding-Cush ethnic and linguistic groups, spread from Senegal all the way to Melanesia, far south to South Africa and South New Zealand and whose languages belong to the prehistoric Manding-Cushi language, and who existed in the Sahara in prehistoric times and practiced horticulture about 30,000 years ago in the Sahara and Papua New Guinea).
And so, the Black manufacturers of the United States, Pacific, India, Europe and other geographical areas would be able to do business profitably without ever having to depend on selling a single product to the northern 'non-tropical, resource-poor' nations.

The type of manufacturing covered in this essay deals with the traditional arts and crafts. Those things that Blacks worldwide have created and manufactured since the beginning of human history, the fifteen renaissances (see ) since the Zingh Empire, through Egypt and the Nubian-Cushi Empire, the Negau-Punt (later to become the Swahili ), the Nok-Wagadu (Nigeria, Ghana, Benin, others), Ghana Empire, the Maurites, Ethiopia's Sabeans and other classical Black African civilizations. (See more about them read also 'Susu Economics: The History of Pan-African Trade, Commerce, Money and Wealth," pub. by

Many of the ancient arts and crafts of THE UNITED STATES AND KINGDOMS OF AFRICA WERE OF THE HIGHEST QUALITY IN ANCIENT TIMES (and still are today). These include the glorious and magnificent artworks, paintings, buildings and system of arts, sciences and culture of Egypt (Khemet), Nubia-Cush (Sudan), Ethiopia-Sabea (Modern Ethiopia). The magnificent works of stone, ivory, bronze and clay created by the Wagadu-Nok civilization, which also spread to Meso-America. ( The West African Area (present ECOWAS STATES, includes Forest Kingdoms, Benin, Igbo-Ikwu, Yoruba, Ghana, Mali, Songhai and others who are all related - 3000 BC to 1500's AD). Jade, gold, stone and ivory carving, the making and smelting of iron tools also occurred in the ancient Zimbabwe Kingdom 1000 BC to 1800 AD. The magnificent cities of many-storied buildings and over 85 cities built along the Swahili coasts from Mozambique to Somalia -- all have been created with the utmost skill. Hence despite the omission from some history books and the purposeful removal of African contrinbutions made in some nations that are now dominated by other groups of people, the preservation of thousands of African scrolls, books and methods of preserving the past history have helped to keep documentation of Africa's civilizations in Africa as well as the culture they brought to the Americas, Middle East, South Asia and East Asia.

Those things that Blacks worldwie have created and manufactured sine the beginning of human history to the present, without the help of high technology, but with advanced mathematics and machinery suitable for the time of creation have all been part of Africa's legacy of manufacturing. These products that are of much value in the lives of everyday people and do not cost too much on the market. These are products that can be manufactured by a single person (such as quilts and carpets) to those that require more help, such as making customized automobiles by hand, boats, furniture and metal products, electronic and information technological devices. Products such as these and thousands of others can be made or produced in an organized fashion without even having large factories, advanceed technology, spending millions of dollars or wasting large amounts of time and energy.

There are thousands upon thousands of everyday things that have been used in the Black world from time immemorial to the present time, yet, many of these inventions and products are made by everyday people who may not find finish, outward appearance and looks, or high quality, to be too important. For example, the maker of a balafon from a village community in Mozambique, many not regard a VERY HIGH QUALITY FINISHED WOODEN PRODUCT, BEAUTIFUL FINISH OR ESTHETIC QUALITY TO BE IMPORTANT, as long as the instruments works well. This attitude must be changed. We must regard inner beauty, outward appearance, finish, workability and perfect craftsmanship to be of the utmost importance. In other words, the maker of a balafon should not only care about the quality of the music produced, but of the beauty of the instrument and how it pleases the eye, its touch and how it feels. Making crude products or failing to improve the quality of handicrafts or art is detyrimental to the selling of these products. Quality and finish must be applied to the highest of degrees.

Small factories or craft centers can be built in the Black (Pan-African) communities and in depressed areas where traditional artworks, particularly traditional African-inspired (and both current and ancient African art) and everyday utencils and objects used or displayed for decoration, religious meaning or esthetic value. African musical instruments such as the mbira or thumb piano, the drums, talking drums, balafon or marimba, zither, horns, flutes, rattles, korad and many other instruments used to make music can be manufactured and sold on the world market.

Skilled crafts-people who will apply high quality finish and expert craftsmanship can revolutionize the manner in which these things are made by placing an emphasis on both the quality of performance and the quality of esthetics, and craftsmanship. Musical inventions such as the 'steel pans" which were invented by Black Trinidadian, Sir Winston Spree and other types of musical instruments can also be manufactured for th eworld market.

Traditional African weapons such as the Ashanti swords, spears, bows and arrows, shields, throwing knives, daggers, armor (like the coral armor of the Benin soldiers of ancient times - still used today), can be manufactured, connected to the many African martial arts still practiced in Africa (and the Americas, see ). These 'recreated' ancient weapons can also be used for decoration, in the same way that some Chinese and Japanese, European and Middle Eastern traditonal weapons are used for decoration and as historical display artworks.
Clothing, cloth, shoes, leatherwork, hats, belts, coats, robes and many easy-to-make products that are used daily, can be produced by unemployed people and sold on the global market. Africans must develop their own 'silkwork' process to make cloth out of silk as the ancient Khemites and Nubians, the Blacks of India and the ancient Black Shang of China did.

Traditional arts and crafts such as bronze casting must be reintroduced as an essential and important part of the Pan-African arts and crafts renaissance in manufacturing. Some of the most beautiful and technically superior brass castings and artworks were produced in West Africa between 1000 BC to 1600's AD. Some of these masterpieces are to be seen in art books and in museums in Nigeria and elsewhere around the world. Some have been stolen during 'expiditionary' invasions by colonizers and are in the museums of these colonizers today.

Carvings in jade, stone, serpentine, soapstone, quartz and other types of semi-precious stone can add to the expansion of the arts and crafts industries. Such industries can help create employment for Black males particularly in cities wehre unemployment among that group is not only too high, but contributes to the further destruction of the Black family and the Black race in general. It is well known that stone carving is one of the most ancient arts used by Africans (over 100,000 years old; read about 'Blombos Cave' - South Africa finds of geometric etchings on red ochre and prehistoric jewelry made of shells - see "Susu Economics," ). It is the carving of events in stone that has left historical records about the achievements of Blacks worldwide, and in places where they were not expected to have settled in very ancient times, such as the Americas, Southern China, India, Europe, and the Pacific Islands.

The value of art has increased drastically over the decades. Today, Shona art of Zimbabwe which developed from an artistic tradition that goes thousands of years before the Christian era, is among the most beautiful and most expensive and valuable stone art produced today. Such art costs tens of thousands of dollars when sold on the international market. The value of this art has more to do with the tradition, its use of abstract techniques and its use of the African pholosophy of regarding things created as an extension of the creator.

Among the most visually pleasing paintings of Africa in the present era are those of Zaire. The paintings of Haiti, Nigeria and other nations are also fo high quality and follow similar artistic style that seem quite similar. Haiti's 'Voodoo-themed' spiritual and religious art is so brilliant that it seem to come alive in inspiration and in color. Africans are indeed the world's first painters of naturalistic and abstract paintings and they left their mark in thousands of places all over Africa and Europe. The continuation of the African tradition of the visual arts must be carried out and in fact, it should be advanced to a higher level. African, Haitian, Caribbean and African-American visual arts must be proliferated and spread on the world market in the same manner that Black American and Caribbean music are appreciated worldwide and African music is appreciatred in many areas of the world, including nations like China.

Unemployed Black (African) males and females, whether in the US, Caribbean, South America, Brazil or anywhere else who cannot find employment in other fields must be encouraged to study the arts and crafts field and apply the skills and talent s necessary to create and produce products , markets to sell the products as well as providing employment.

AFRICANS AND AFRICAN-AMERICANS/PAN-AFRICANS ARE NOT NEW TO THE USE OF TRADITIONAL ARTS AND CRAFTS TO CREATE PRODUCTIVE IINDUSTRIES THAT DO WELL, AND VERY WELL ON THE WORLD MARKETS, PARTICULARLY THE GLOBAL BLACK WORLD (NATIONS) MARKET. Hair-care products that are used by peole with kinky/frizzly hair from the US to Africa to Melanesia, is made by African-American beauty-products companies. It is only recently (since the early 1970's) that many of these products have been copied and Blacks have been hair care producers/manufacturer4s have had to compete and have been thrown out of their own market by parasitic practices ( see )

Yet, some of the biggest Black/African -American industries are makiang Black music, hair-care products, tourism, historical-cultural tourism, bookpublishing, food processing, clothing, jewelry, educational materials, international travel, resturanting, automobile/engine manufacturing, electronic goods, information-age products and many others. Some of these industries particularly music are direct transfers of culture from the base in Africa. For example, jazz and rhythm and blues musc have African roots, so does calypso, samba, Afro-Cuban(being stolen by others as is other forms of Black music (disguised with the "Latin' label) and many other types of music like 'Afro-Panamanian-Jamaican' reggae sang in Spanish, now' now ripped off and called 'reggaeton' by people who look like the descendents of white Spaniards, while the Black inventors are no where to be seen -- or the case of the rip-off of Afro-Cuban music now called 'salsa.'
(See "Americans and Their Idols" )
also see , "Susu and Susunomics," pub. by also see )

In the U.S., soul, R&B, Jazz and other types of Black music have brought in many millions of dollars from all over the world and such music have made not only Black people, but Whites and others quite wealthy. Reggae music, calypso and other types of Caribbean music do the same for the Caribbean region. So do African and Afro-Brazilian music. So, a part of Pan-African culture has neen spread worldwide and continues to be a source of income for those who propagate it. THE SAME MUST BE DONE IN EVERY OTHER ASPECT OF CREATIVITY.

The time has comoe to apply industrial growth and development to other African arts and crafts, technologies and creations as well. By so doing, we can create opportunities for those of us who are not employed in the businesses and industries of others. We can also sell our products worldwide. The markets are open and waiting. One way to begin a national system of businesses based onthe ancient arts and craft industries is to open schools that will teach, train and show members of the Pan-African commnity how to apply these arts and crafts to the market after production. An arts and crafts industry should be considered as an alternative as well as a branch of the general industrializatino of any nation, and an effective way to create employment and a capital base, as well as to begin and continue a tradition that is tens of thousands of years old.

Experts can be hired from nations in Africa to teach carving, African style painting, weaving and various other arts and crafts. To those who are unemployed and may want to begin small, light manufacturing businesses. The making of traditional products such as African-style carpets, waving cloth in kente style, making Fulani or Bsuto hats, sandals, Nigerian silk robes with excuisite emboidry, Benin bronze statues and busts, copper and bronze works patterned from thise that existed about 2000 BC to 1400 AD, GOLD AND SILVER JEWELRY AND COUNTLESS OTHER TYPES OF CRAFTWORK, MUST BE CARRIED OUT IN A MORE ADVANED MANNER THAN IS BEING DONE PRESENTLY. IT SHOULD BE CARRIED OVER A WIDE AREA.

This is a good example of using Black culure to create an industrial base and it has always been at the core of Black industrial development in the Americas and Africa. Before the industrial development in Europe and Asia, Africa was on an equal or superior level when it came to the manufacture of goods of all types. It was only after the invasion of Africa by Semites and Europeans, and the enslavemento of millions of Africans that the industrial revolution in Africa, which began with the iron and steel age (1500 BC to 1500 AD) , came to an abrupt halt. The indtoduction of superior weapons such as guns and gunowder also helped destroy Africa as it did to China, who was also going through a an industrial uplifting just before the Europeans arrived. Ironically, gunpowder has been used in Africa (Nigeria and Egypt, Sudan, Somalia, Swahili Coasts) for thousands of years before it was brought to China (first used by the Nuchens in warfare during hte 1100's - see "Susu Economics," ) by Middle Easterners. In Egypt, the 'Khem-mystry' (magical arts of Egypt and other African ancient cultures) science of chemicals developed gunpowder to be used in religious rituals. IN ANCIENT NIGERIA/NOK-WAGADU, GUNPOWDER WAS USED FOR RELIGIOUS RITUALS AS WELL AS FOR HEALING AND FOR IGNITION.

It appears that China, who had been hidden from European influence for thousands of years, became as traumatized as Africa, who had experienced some Arab/Semite and European invasions. Africa had no choice but to fight these invaders and soundly defeat them in many cases (like the Mongols outside the gates of Egypt, by a force of Nubians and Mamelukes from Egypt).

The reintroduction of African traditional ars into Black America, Pan-Africa and the global Black community as well as the manufacture nd worldwide marketing and selling of such products, is essential to the building of a solkid and prosperous industrial base in Black America, the Caribbean, South America, or any region where Blacks/Pan-Africans/Africoids live in the world. The time has come to use all that can be used to gain a superior position in the world of industry, manufacturing, commerce, high technology and agriculture. The manufacture of heavy mnachinery, aircraft, boats, cars, trucks, weapons systems, trains and new inventions must be prepared for and carried out with much zeal. Pan-Africans, African-Americans, THE UNITED STATES OF WEST AFRICA, KINGDOMS AND DIASPORA OF AFRICA CAN NO LONGER WAIT FOR THE FRENCH, JAPANESE, EUROPEANS, ASIANS, NORTH AMERICANS AND OTHERS TO DO WHAT MUWE MUST DO FOR OURSELVES. EVERY STEP NECESSARY MUST BE TAKEN TO CREATE THESE INDUSTRIES MENTIONED ABOVE, TO DOMINATE PRODUCTIVITY, CREATE THE BEST PRODUCTS IN THE WORLD AND BECOME PART OF THE CONTRIBUTIONS TO THE WORLD MARKET. IT CAN BE DONE. (Susu and Susunomics," (c) 1997, 2001 by PAB






(See more here 'Susu and Susunomics," pub. by


These nations are presently members of the ECOWAS (Economic Community of West African States) group:

Cape Verde
Guinea Bissau
Sierra Leone
Burkina Faso
Ivory Coast

These are the present states/nations . Nations like Cameroon, Chad and 'Occupied African lands' may join later.


The East African Union (Kenya, Tanzania, Uganda; hope that Rwanda, Burundi, Somalia, Ethiopia, South Cush (South Sudan), Puntland, Djibouti will one day join that union).

The Southern African Development Congress - South Africa, Zimbabwe, Swaziland, Lesotho, Namibia, Zambia, Botswana, Mozambique.

The Congo/Angola region states: Congo-Kinshasa, Congo-Brazzaville, Equatorial Guinea, Angola, Gabon, Cameroon, Central African Republic.

There is also a strong and united system of kingship in Africa that is thousands of years old and dates to the Zingh Empire (Senegal to Egypt) in what was once a wet and fertile Sahara and the original homeland of many African/Africoid people from Africa to Melanesia to the Americas.


Africa's system of kingship should be preserved and revived. Kings and queens contribute to preserving ancient arts, crafts, culture, traditions, lineages and the soul of a nation. The kings and queens of a nation or region can play the role of helping to bride the people and keep the nation strong and prospering. It is usually the kings and queens who are closer to the people than the high officials. Kings and queens may have to play 'ceremonial' roles, but they help in preserving the tradition of keeping ancient arts, costumes, styles, and many traditions alive.



The policy is POPULATION EXPANSION AND USE OF LARGE POPULATIONS FOR DEVELOPMENT. The policy is the rejection of all forms of infanticide and population control.




also see


Yoruba, Mandinga and Ghanian

African alphabet







AFRICAN DIASPORA - North America, Latin America, Caribbean, Europe, ASIA







'Susu Economics,"








spadamchrist said...

The Kingdom is an emerging market at the crossroads of Europe, Africa, and the Middle East that imports worth of goods and products each year.The United States exported worth of goods to Morocco and received imports from the Kingdom worth .Recently, exports of fabrics and pharmaceuticals have increased significantly. American commodities that could benefit from an FTA include wheat, feed grains, soybeans, and soybean products. As Morocco grows economically and develops the infrastructure required to handle perishable products, the expansion of U.S. meat and processed food product exports is expected. Moroccan exports to the U.S. include transistors, semiconductors, agricultural products, clothing, phosphates and other minerals.In Morocco, nearly half of the country’s 30 million people and most of the poor live in rural areas.

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