The expansion of 'susunomics,' and 'susuism' must be carried out on an international scale throughout the Black (Pan-African/Pan-Negro) world. This can be done by forming 'susu federations', whereby groups of nations can pool their resouces, so that such resources can be used for the building of projects such s hydroelectric dams, space-exploration corporations, manufacturing companies, agricultural development, reforestation, development of railways and other infrastructure, city and urban development, the manufacturing of ships, cars, boats, buses, trains, planes/jets, defense systems and so on.
The creation of Pan-African/Pan-Negro organizations is needed because of the lack of strength and power that many small nations suffer, due to colonialism. For example, West Africa has been fragmented into a number of states that are easy to exploit because they are small in population, have no large defense forces and lack money. Yet, these states of the ancient Nok-Wagadu, Ghana-Mali-Songhai-Forest Kingdoms (Benin, Igbo-Ikwu, Yoruba, Ashanti) were once united into two major civilizations/empires; The Ghana-Mali-Songhai empire states, and the Guinea/Mandinga-Benin-Yoruba-Cameroon civilizations. There were many kingdoms in the region, but the idea of regional union and Empire was alive and helped these states develop and become among the world's most powerful between 3000 BC to the 1800's.
Hence today, the need for the creation of larger states out of the smaller, fragmented nations of West Africa and all Africa is needed. The present global groupings of Pan-African/Pan-Negro people includes:
The African Union (representing 1,200,000,000 Africans in Africa, and Africans in Europe
The Organization of Africans of the Americas (Representing about 300,000,000 people of African descent in all the Americas)
MELANESIAN/ABORIGINAL UNION (East Timor, Papua-New Guinea, Fiji, New Caledonia, Solomon Islands, Vanuatu - future Northern Territories Aboriginal Autonomus Region of Australia)
Representing 50,000,000 Negro-Melanesian and Negro-Australoid people in Melanesia and Australia.
Melanesian issues
Article on Melanesians, who are part of the Afro-Asiatic, Pan-Negro/Pan-Africoid Family under racist oppression and Genocide in SE Asia/Melanesia, due to racist policies like the racist 'Asianization Policy' of displacement (West Papua). Yet, Melanesian, Oceanic Negroids, Negritoes and Negro-Australoids are the ORIGINAL RACE OF HUMANS IN ALL ASIA ( says Ben Tangghama, former Foreign Minister of Papua-New Guinea (Black Books Bulletin - 1970's -- See 'African Presence in Early Asia by Ivan Van Sertima; also see 'The Black Untouchables of India,' by VT Rajshekar, Runoko Rashidi, YN Kly,
1. United States, Kingdoms and Diaspora of Africa (begins with the ECOWAS nations).
2. Organization of Africans in the Americas - OAA
3. African Union
4. Melanesian (Union) States
5. SADC (Southern African Development Committee)
6. Sahel-Sahara States
7. COMESA - Common Market of Eastern and Southern Africa
8. EAC - East African Community
9. ECCAS - Economic Community of Central African States
10. ECOWAS - Economic Community of West African States (the new and unified super-state - THE UNITED STATES, KINGDOMS AND DIASPORA OF AFRICA -
11. IGAD - African Horn/East Africa
12. DALIT/INDO-NEGRO ORGANIZATION/BLACK TRIBALS (300,000,000 Dalits/Black Untouchables and about 300,000,000 Black Tribals live in India (Black due to having prehistoric African origins as well as features, similar cultures, genes, resemblances - and social status as being mistread by others EXACTLY BECAUSE OF THEIR AFRICAN/BLACK ORIGINS AND THIER ANCIENT STRUGGLE AGAINST NORTHERN INVADERS.
The bringing together of groups of at least ten nations for the purpose of development is one of the most effective ways to acquire the finances needed to undergo development projects if the susu method is properly applied. The development of the Black world after the 1960's has not taken place on the same type of level, nor has the Black world received the same amount of financial and technical help that nations of Asia received, or the nations of Europe after the Second World war, including European nations that provoked, began and implemented war and genocide on others. Africa and most Black regions and nations received very little help. What they received was more Christian missionaries, more of the rape of thier resources and more neocolonialism.
The fate of European nations after World War II, and ot Asian nations like Japan, Korea, Taiwan and others was very different from tat of the nations of the Black world. Over the past forty years, these nations have developed rapidly due to the help of other richer nations, such s the United States. Many of these nations, particularly those of Southeast and East Asia are not classified as members of the Newly Industrialized Countires, where at a level of development similar to that of Africa, the Caribbean, the South Pacific and parts of Latin America today. Many were under some form of colonialism. Today, however, many of these nations in Southeast Asia and East Asia, particularly Taiwan, South Korea, Singapore, Malaysia, Indonesia, have surpassed most Black nations in their level of development, while Black nations have lagged behind, or have regressed in many areas and in some cases taken steps backward not seen during the 1900's.
The development and industrialization of Japan, South Korea, Hong Kong and other nations of Asia, as well as those of Europe since the 1940's did not happen without outside help, particularly from the United States. Many of these nations had massive amounts of American investments in capital, industry and manpower. Others were delberately given industries and creations of groups like African-Americans ( see ), such as the hair-care industry pioneered by African-American inventors like Madame CJ Walker.
Thousands of the people of Asia and Europe received American technological training both in their home countries as well as in the technological institutions of the United States. Some of thse nations, inspire of their colonial past, continued to hold tightly on the good aspects of their culture such as Confucianism, Taoism, traditional family values, language, education, traditional religious beliefs they invented, (many rejected the notion of being happy and poor on earth, while hoping for a good 'hereafter',) industriousness and confidence.
These attributes are common in Africans (Pan-African people) as welland although they were kept in many areas, some were reject for 'Western' ideas that have done absolutely nothing to uplift Black people. Moreover, these attributes of the Asians did not contribute to the development of their industrial base all on their own. Money and help (including transfering some indigenous American inventions and manufacturing processes - see ) was the main factor and it poured ut of America. However, that money did not enter North Korea, China and Vietnam, and they remained poor, untill these nations took actioin to improve their economies (China and Vietnam).
There are many similarities between African cultures and that of the nations of East Asia. Both groups of cultures go back many thousands of years, with the African culture being much more ancient in every way. In both cultures, elders are respected. Both cultures have economic systems where financial and other resources are pooled together for the common good. In fact the Koreans in Los Angeles have a system of pooling money very similar to the 'susu' system that developed in West Africa thousands of years ago and was transferred to the Americas, then the US by Jamaicans/Afro-Caribbeans and Afro-Americans ancestors. This system is partly responsible for the ability of some Koreans to buy businesses throughout the US. Hence, African-Americans should be using this system to enrich and build their economy nand it is not being used as much as it should. With the writing of these notes and the spread of Susu and Susunomics ( ) on the market, the situation can be changed for the best.
Both the African and Asian cultures place a high value on education and family values, with the Africans being more ancient and stronger in both respects. Both cultures place a high value on hard work and thrift, with the Africans being strong in these areas and having ancient civilizations, cultures and traditions that show this to be the case. Still, Africans and other Black nations lagged in development while Asians and Europeans prospered during the 1970's to the 2000's.
The reason why the Asians developed had nothing to do with any cultural values or traditions specifically, but with the massive amounts of help they received from the West/US. Both South Korea and Japan were flooded with American technology and money after World War II, with the Japanese having had that benefit since the late 1890's (and yet having a war with the US in the 1940's). Africa on the other hand was being stipped bare. In Congo and parts of North Africa as well as other areas, slavery, brutality and massive atrocities were taking place against Africans.
These evils were being practiced by the Europeans and Semites of course, and they continued the racist colonial policies till the 1960's (and some cases till today) until they were driven out through warfare, or were forced to grant independence. By then, they had destroyed and raped the African continent and its resources down to the bone. They had wiped out and enslaved tens of millions of Africa's best people and even after the so-called 'independence,' the Europeans and Semites continued a policy of neocolonialism, or occupation of settlers from Europe (and the Middle East). Today, many of the same people or their descendents control Africa's resources, as well as the resources of Black nations in the Caribbean Region, the South Pacific and South America. They have maintained thier control while contributing to the further underdevelopment of Black nations.
1. Many of the 'developed nations,' refuse to transfer or share advanced or any type of technology with Black/African nations, although they do so with nations like Japan and others. By keeping it all to themselves and their chosen cliche of friends and 'allies,' these developed nations place Black nations in the position of having to beg them for the expertise required to run mines, industrial plants and businesses.
2. These industrialized nations (some are infact 'RPN'S 'Resource Poor Nations,"), must of whom contribnuted to the underdevelopment of Black nations (most who are 'RRN'S ( 'Resource Rich Nations" ) have developed a system whereby they will loan money to Black nations, whlie calling it 'aid.' At the same time, this loan money to Black nations has to be repaid with interest and this repayment of such aid money contributes to the lack of, and underderdevelopment of Black nations. The loaner becomes wealthy on the backs of poor Black nations, since most industrialized nations already have their own capital and do not need to borrow as much as those who have no capital or limited capital. The borrower remains poor and indebted to the lender. Most of the money that the borrower could have used to develop their own nations must be put toward repaying the loans and interest.
These industrialized nations, encourage underdevelopment in Black nations by dumping their products on the international Black markets, while keeping their own markets closed to the products of Black nations. By doing so, they discourage local manufacturing of products, particularly in Black nations, and encourage the consumption and purchase of their goods. They keep the manufacturing industries of Black nations underdeveloped.
These are some of the reasons why Asian nations have developed rapidly today instead of African, Caribbean, South Pacific (except English-dominated New Zealand) and Black communities worldwide. The premise that Confucianism, Taoism or only hard work and determination or good cultural values ropelled the Asians so far ahead of Pan-African nations in the industrial and development fields is false. If that was the case , Asian nations like Vietnam, Burma, Laos, Cambodia, the Philipines and others with cultures somewhat similalr to that of Japan, South Korea, Taiwan, Singapore and Honk Kong would hae developed in the same way. Nations such as North Korea, Mongolia and China would have made great strides early on and immediately since the end of the Korean War. The conclusion has to be made, therefore, that those who developed were lucky due to the massive infusion of American dollars. The same is true for the nations of Western Europe that were devastated by World War Two. Those who remained under the Western umbrella developed; those who turned tot he Eastern European political philosophy of rigid socialism, remained underdeveloped.
As far as the confucian work ethic is concerned, it came from mainland China, and was not destroyed during the advant of communism there, nor in North Korea or Mongolia. Yet, China is not as developed as Japan, neither is North Korea as advanced as Japan or Taiwan who follow the same Confucian work ethic and similar culture to Japan, South Korea and Taiwan. China, North Korea, Vietnam did not develop economic alliances with the West on the same level as Japan developed its economic alliances with the US, because the access of these three communist nations to Western capital and technology was closed, until recently.
Today however, China is booming, due to massive amounts of Western/US investments and the transfer of US companies to China. Vietnam is also developing rapidly. North Korea on the other hand is still stagnant, but the possibility for its development is getting closer at hand - showing that indeed, iit is Western capital that will help North Korea reach a level of development similar to South Korea. IT IS THIS SAME CAPITAL AND HELP THAT COULD HAVE HELPED MANY AFRICAN NATIONS MOVE INTO THE 'DEVELOPED NATIONS,' and it is the unity of Africans to build their economies that will make it possible, if they receive no help from other regions.
The former communist East Asian nations as well as nations of Eastern Europe were considered as 'enemies' of the West. While these nations recrived no help because of their political and ideological differences with the Western nations, Pan-African and Black nations worldwide received no such help, strictly on the basis of race. Black people will be Black and no matter where in the WOrld Blacks live, those who control the world's economic and technological power will never do anything that will help Black people uplift themselves. For example take Australia and Papua New Guinea. Why isn't Papua New Guinea and Melanesia the African and 'Melanesian Lions,' comparable to 'Asian Tigers.'? Not one, yet.
The conclusion has to be made that those who benefited from the 'transfer of technology' and capital, such as Japan, Taiwan, Gremany, France, England, South Korea and others (before and after World War II) developed into today's economic powers. Those who followed a socialist ideology that hampered the growth of private industry and capital, or the people's initiative to produce, or were enemies of the rich Western helpers also did not make progress as much as those who were 'friends' of the West. Black (Pan-Negro) nations whose resources were plundered (as it seems some are trying to do today), and whose populations decimated (as some is doing by pitting one group of Africans/Blacks against another), or who were refused significant capital, or sharing of technology are still struggling today for the most part.
The fate of Black America was even worse. The sad irony is that Black Americans contributed very much to the industrial revolution in the United States by having great scientists, inventors and in some cases industrialists (like the early Black American car manufacturers, factory owners, inventors, businessmen), and by improving the industrial system in the nation. Still, Black America never developed a separate and powerful economic system, nor a strong sense of Black separatism and nationalism until the 1960's (and for a period during the 1920's). Every effort to build a separate national and economic system for Blacks in the US (self-help, Black economic, cultural, political unity and autonomy within the US) has been met with opposition from the majority (who urge Blacks to 'pull themselves by their bootstraps' on one side of their faces, then try to twart the effort on the other side) or dissent and 'Uncle Tomism' from hand-picked Black 'misleaders,' who do everything in their power to keep the Black race in a position of dependence by colaborating (the 'Toms) with those wo want to keep Black people in a state of backwardness and oppression (and since 'neo-slavery' is the only industry left in America, some of these 'Toms are being tricked again with the same old 'doubletalk.').
In order to improve the lives of Black people worldwide and to put the Black world on an equal or even superior level to the rest of the world in economics, technology and every other way possible, the Black world must pool its resources and money in a 'susu' type of economic system, or in a manner whereby, technology, scientific and agricultural knowledge, and economics will be strengthed. Organizations should be created so that those who are skilled in the various technologies can pool their knowledge together for the benefit of the Black world.
(a) Black nations globally should take steps necessary to form regional economic blocks and to create larger, more powerful nations and federations. For example, in the Caribbean region, the formation of a Caribbean Federation of One Caribbean Union, or Association of Caribbean States is necessary for the future development of the region. The same is true for Melanesia where about 50,000,000 (and perhaps more) Melanesians are spread from Indonesia and East Timor, West Papua to New Caledonia.
Every island in the Caribbean (and Melanesian region and Australia's Nothern Territories) as well as nations like Belize, the Giuanas with basically a Caribbean culture should unify either as unitary states (in the case of the Caribbean), or unitary and cultural unions (as in the case of a Melanesian Union united with Aboriginal Australia's Northern Territories as a cultural union - since Northern Territories is part of Australia (the colony created by the British) but is still part of the old Melanesian-Aboriginal region that existed for tens of thousands of years before the arrival of the British and other foreign people.
Nations such as those who speak Spanish and French (in the Caribbean) should be encouraged to become part of a large and strong One Caribbean Union. Each island or nation would be allowed to maintain its culture, but all would unify as a single nation in order to be able to make progress in a world that is becoming more and more defined by economic blocks and large super-states. There are about 45 - 50 million people in the Caribbean islands and mainland Caribbean-cultural/nations area, a number about the same as the population of France. The agricultural and industrial potential of the Caribbean region is limitless. When half the world cannot grow crops because of cold weather, the Caribbean (as well as Africa, Melanesia, South India, the tropics ) can. Agriculture and tourism can contribute to the development of the Caribbean, Africa and Melanesia -- along with a strong industrial, technology and information-age technology base (which is the Japanese, Korea, Taiwanese, Hong-Kong, British model -- all small, island-type states - who have learned to use means (colonialism, exploitation, help from powerful 'friends,' ect. - it is no joke, not even in the case of Korea, see to become rich and powerful ).
Yet, Japan did suffer after World War II (and China suffered to a very high extent so did Congo and much of Africa - one third who are still languishing behind - TWO THIRDS OF AFRICAN NATIONS ARE DOING VERY WELL ECONOMICALLY) and SE Asia, East Asia had many poor nations, including Taiwan and Singapore. The Caribbean region has a greater advantage than these nations in that it has more access to the hightest of technology not merely through the U.S., but through Canada and the African-Amerian scientific and technological institutions, as well as that of the Caribbean.
In spite of the lack of some resources, a problem that does not stop Japan or Hong Kong, the Caribbean region can create or become part of an international or Pan-African economic system, where goods, capital and resources can be transferred from place to place for the benefit of all. And so, if a nation like Jamaica wants to start a ship-building industry (after all, a small nation called Korea has a ship-building industry, and the legacy of Jamaicans and their African ancestors building ships and travelling the seas is over 10,000 years old - beginning in the Sahara, in Africa), the Jamaicans can buy steel from guyana or from West Africa or North Eastern Brazil (particularly if and when NE Brazil (Afro-Brazil, the former 'Palmares' now Alagoas becomes independent of a Black-ruled autonomous region). Jamaicans can use their abundance of bauxite (aluminum ) to create metal alloys for building specialized boats and ships, without using metals like steel and iron.
A political system would have to be established whereby no large island with a large population would be able to dominate the smaller ones (or no large state in a 'UNITED STATES AND KINGDOMS OF AFRICA,'). All that is necessary would have to be done to unite the entire Caribbean people as one. The racist attitudes of some (still slaves of the old colonial 'divide and conquer' trickery) particularly some of the 'Hispanic' and very lightskinned miscegenated populations of nations like the Dominican Republic, must be cleansed from the minds of these unfortunate subjects of the old slave/colonial system and from the egion.
(b.) Nations such as those who comprise of West Africa (THE UNITED STATES AND KINGDOMS OF AFRICA) should put aside their petty 'differences,' such as 'Anglo-phone' (slaves of England/English culture), and 'Francophone' (slaves of French language and culture), BOTH FORMER COLONIALISTS WHO STILL TREAT AFRICANS IN ENGLAND AND FRANCE WITH RACISM, AND NATIONS LIKE ZIMBABWE WITH RACIST 'DOUBLE-STANDARD' TREATMENT.
These African nations must eliminate foreign economic, political and religious/cultural domination and unite into a single nation (as proposed, the UNITED STATES AND KINGDOMS OF AFRICA' - ALL THE NATIONS FROM SENEGAL TO CAMEROON AND FROM CAMEROON TO NORTHERN MALI.
There is a need for balance in the world today both militarily and economically, and West Africa is the major region in the Black world where the creation of a new superpower is very necessary. Such superpower would include all the nations of West Africa, including those what have been occupied by foreign people who maintain a foreign custom (slavery and racism against Africans), and who arrived in the region during the 1500's and later. These descendents of invaders would have to to be forced to give back what they stole from the PEOPLE OF WEST AFRICA. A 'UNITED STATES AND KINGDOMS' OF Africa located in West Africa has the potential to become an economic, military and industrial superpower, if the West Africans put their souls into making such an accomplishment become real. Unification in this area would be to the benefit of the region, Africa and the Black world in general. At last, there would be a balance between Africa, Pan-African/Pan-Negro states and the other 'superpowers' of the world. Why should Africa, Melanesia, African-America, Negro-Australoid Australia, or any Black reigon remain poor and lacking when these nations and peoples are actually holding the powerful 'parasitic' nation upward. Where do these 'powerful' nations get their resources? They get it from the Pan-Negro world. Hence it is time the Pan-Negro/Black world gain the same knowledge and accumulate the same wealth and power as the 'resource-poor' First World 'parasite' (those who take and give nothing back except churches and birth control pills and tools of genocide) nations.
Nations or unions of states or independent nations can form susu groups. For example, ten (or more) island states of the Caribbean (or Melanesia), or all the nations in the ECOWAS OR SADC groups, who have already joined into a political and economic union and intoi single nation-states, can have each member of the 'states' in the newly unified 'super-nation' composed of ten to twenty nations of the union, to each put an equal amount of money in a 'susu' pool every month or at some given period. Businesses from these nations, as well as governments of states can both use this method. Thus, the private and public financial sectors would both find ways to pool their resources in each and every member of the Association of States, or Union of States and create a regional susu economic system, that would stand side by side ith the regular 'development bank,' or private banking system.
The susu of island-states would be organized in the following manner. All the slands of the Caribbean and those Caribbean nations like Guyana, Surinam, French Guyana on the norther coast of the South American mainland would all be part of a single 'supernation." The same would benefit nations of ECOWAS (Economic Community of West African States - known as, THE UNITES STATES AND KINGDOMS OF AFRICA), (or all the island nations of THE MELANESIAN UNION).
The French colonies would be part of the Union of Caribbean states and their independence and move to become free states and part of the Caribbean Union would be a matter of justice. The Spanish-speaking nations who identify with African-Caribbean culture and recognize African-Caribbean people in their own nations (like Cuba and the Dominican Republic) can both help to develop a strong economy in the region. Hence the new single political and economic union would comprise of Jamaica, Haiti, Cuba, Dominican Republic, Bahamas, Cayman Islands, Saint Lucia, Saint Vincent, Dominica, Grenada, Trinidad and Tobago, Guyana, Surinam, Cayenne (French Guyana), Antigua, Saint Kitts/Nevis, Anguilla, Martinique, Guadalupe, Barbadose, Belize and all the territories that make up the geographical and cultural boundaries of the Caribbean-Islands and mainland community.
Every nation would have the opportunity to join into a single Pan-Caribbean 'susu' system and the formation of a Caribbean Federation with all the above nations would be much easier to accomplish and would make the entire region a new and powerful economic block.
(d) Susu banks would have to be established. One major bank for the entire region and a local bank for each island state or nation. These banks would function under the 'susu system' but would also follow other regular banking rules and laws which would be similar to the regional and banking laws of the Pan-Caribbeans States.
Each island-state or state would contribute an equal amount of money in the susu pool each month and would have to olpportunity to use what money is in the pool when each state's turn came to use it. Each state would continue to put money into the pool, including those who have recently benefited until all states have had the opportunity to use the money when their turn arrived.
(e) If a nation like Saint Lucia, West Indies wanted to build an automobile plant or construct a ship-building industry and the cost to begin would be one hundred million dollars ($100,000,000), each of the twenty nations in the association/group (twenty million is being used as a round number) put five million dollars in the pool. At the end of the month, a collection of one hundred million dollars would be acquired. Saint Lucia would have one hundred million dollars to start off the automobile or ship-building industry. After Saint Lucha had received the one hundred million dollars, they would continue to put in five million dollars each month until all the other members (of the Caribbean Federation or Union) had the opportunity to collect the one hundred million dollars to use on various types of development in their particular state or island. It would take one year and eight months for each of the twenty states to use the money in the pool before Saint Lucia's turn came again.
Of course, each nation can save one hundred million dollars on its own and wait till it has collected that amount to start its own projects,, which would take about the same amount of time if that nation put in a savings of at least five million dollars per month in its treasury or bank. Still, using the 'susu system' creates a solid, strong financial foundation and a place to receive financial help when it is lacking elsewhere.
The collection of large amounts of money for development can come from the export of agricultural products, processed goods from agricultural products, tourism, jewelry, electronics, information technology, arts and crafts and other industries including manufacturing. The establishment of susu can aid in the development of the Caribbean, Africa, Melanesia/South Pacific and any geographic area with Black nations or with a large population of Black people (like the US, Latin America, South India, Europe) who must create their own economic system in order to survive and thrive, without depending on others. The need for development or any types of 'aid' from the industrialized nations would be lessened if susu is properly applied and if each nation in the susu system began trading, manufacturing and banking, beginning with their own regional ara. The need for 'aid' would diminish if each nation of group of states made the atempt to take a high position in the international, commercial, industrial and financial markets of the world. That must be the goal of the Pan-Caribbean states, as well as the nations of Africa, the Black nations and regions of the Americas (US South, Caribbean, Brazil, Guianas, Northern Coastal South, Panama-Central America, Afro-Mexico, Black California, other areas) as well as Black nations in the Pacific region.
Agriculture has the greatest potential to build economies in many tropical and subtropical nations - along with the agricultural bi-products to be manufactured or that are manufactured. Those who inhabit these tropical areas should develop the agricultural potential so that agricultural commodities can being in greater revenue. Two of the most important industries in the Caribbean and Africa are agriculture and tourism. These industries are also the most important in US states like California as well. California is the wealthiest state in the United States (per capita) because of these industries as well as 'light' industries like information technologies, electronics, aircraft manufacturing, banking, trade and commerce. The Caribbean, THE UNITED STATES AND KINGDOMOS OF AFRICA (ECOWAS), and other African/Pan-Negro regions also have the potential of becoming the most properly developed regions in the world, if these industries are well developed, well managed, expanded and made to bring in great financial results.
The Caribbean Region, Africa, African-American Southern US-California Communities, the South Pacific Melanesia, the northern part of South America called the Guianas, all have better soil for planting, a better climate and the potential to produce more and more better quality agricultural products than California present system of agriculture that is sometimes hampered by temperature and seasonal changes. Should that happen (use of the tropical advantage by Pan-African nations and weather-favorable Black-occupied regions of the US, use their ability to produce agricultural and other goods) and should the manufacturing and crafts industries be strengthened along with the tourism
industry (which can and has contributed to economic development in Africa, the Caribbean, South Pacific and Black America's historical cities and sites), be expanded and controled. these nations would soon join California (a state of the United States - California, among the top ten regions in wealth) as the wealthiest nations/regions on earth. Furthermore, unlike Japan and some small Asian nations with few resources, most Black nations (INCLUDING THOSE OF MELANESIA/SOUTH PACIFIC AND THE CARIBBEAN) have an abundance of resources that can be used, or pooled wikth those Black nations or regions where resources are scarce or lacking.
The need to accept any type of tricky 'development aid' or loans that keep nations in debt and poverty from the so-called 'developed' nations, can be lessened if 'susu' is properly utilized nad applied. Each nation can contribute money to a giant project that would benefit the whole region, such as a university system, regional government complexes, manufacturing of giant scientific projects such as space technology and exploration, and the proper management of the resources of the sea and projects that benefit the while region.
Much of the money that is used to buy European, Japanese, or the goods of other industrialized nations and regions can circulate in the Pan-African world and remain there as long as steps are taken to make products in the region and to make these products of the highest possible quality surpassing of all others.
New cities can be built (and African nations must revive ancient 'classical' traditional architecture - like those of Khemet, Nubia-Cush, Nok-Wagadu, Azania, Swahili and others ) Pan-Africans can enter into space exploration and high technology, fields necessary to solve problems such as drought, bad weather, desertification, deforestation and other dangerous natural disasters that have aused millions of African lives over the past decades. SUSU CAN ALSO BE USED IN HELPING FIND AND MANAGE UNDERGROUND WATER IN THE SAHEL REGION OF AFRICA, TO 'SEED' COULDS FOR CREATING RAIN, BUILD CANALS AND WATERWAYS (INCLUDING BUILDING THEM UNDERGROUND AND IN CANALS IN HOT, ARID AREAS (AS IS DONE IN CALIFORNIA'S HOT, ARID REGIONS).
Susu is the Pan-African economic system for the future. Susunomics is the economic philosophy, while susuism is the political ideology based on Black nationalism and Pan-Afrian self-preservation and advancement. The time has come for Pan-Africans to take a giant step forward in orde to stand equally or above with the top nations.
In retrospect, the time has come to apply this economic system and to use it for the advancement and the development of the Black world. Unity of all resources is the key to the improvement of the lives of Black people worldwide. Black control of Black resources is essentialto the advancement of the Black/Pan-African world. Pan-Africans/Blacks globally must pool our collective resources, whether it is technical, human, financial, or any other. Pan-Africans/Pan-Negroes/Blacks globally must create a powerful worldwide economic system that will benefit Pan-Africans/Pan-Negroes and Black people in general.
( See 'Susu Economics," (c) 1997; 2001:
See more on this topic, "Susu and Susunomics: The Theory and Practice of Pan-African Economic, Racial and Cultural Self-Preservation," (c) 1997, 2001; pub. at also see
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The pan-negro global races have been successful for tens of thousands of years before the colonial aggression supported with guns swept too many cultures away. With global unity speaking up for each other we could all survive the colonial madness.
Please use your voice for the people of West Papua so the world can see the cruel madness that threatens us all.
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